My first Strong Viking
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Will you soon participate for the first time in a Strong Viking event, and do you not yet know exactly what to expect? Or have you already participated, but have you been suffering from annoying injuries? Then read on as we share with you 8 Viking tips to successfully overcome our obstacle runs.
1. Train yourself to Walhalla
Do you have little or no experience with obstacle runs? When you participate for the first time you will notice that it is conditionally harder than you thought. In addition, you will notice that extra muscle strength is important. Therefore, start training on time and build up your pace and muscle strength in steps. Do you have no idea how to start training? Then we can give you a hand! Download the Strong Viking Sportsapp and train yourself ready for the live editions!
2. Leave your ego at home and use your Viking attitude
Yes, you read it correctly! During your participation in our obstacle run you will notice that it is quite exhausting. No matter how well you have trained. At a certain point you will notice that you cannot keep up the pace you started out with. Then it will hit your nerve because there are Vikings who disappear in front of you. But this is not bad at all! Choose a pace that you can maintain throughout the run. The most important thing is to get to the finish line. You don't have to be the fastest to do this. Anyway, Odin will welcome you with open arms in Walhalla!
3. The perfect shoe
If you are participating in Strong Viking for the first time, old sports sneakers that are lying at the bottom of your closet are a great option. Make sure you pick sports sneakers with profile, so you don't slip too fast. Did you know that almost all sports sneakers can be tied in a certain way so that they stay tight and steady during the run? We explain how this works.
Sports sneakers often have an extra lace opening that many people think is for decoration. But that's not the case, they have a very useful function! The extra opening prevents your feet from sliding around in your shoes. This prevents painful toes and blisters.
But how do you tie your laces?
1. Make sure your laces are on the outside in the second opening from the top.
2. Pull both laces on the current side where they are now through the top opening, so they come back to the inside. This will create loops.
3. Take the opposite lace through the loop and do the same in reverse.
4. Tighten the laces. You will notice that a kind of brake is created which keeps your laces tight.
5. Tie your laces as you normally would and say goodbye to foot pain!
Are you planning to participate in an obstacle run more often? Then Salomon's Trail Run shoes are the perfect investment for a successful run. This is because the laces in Salomon's Trail Run shoes are made of strong elastic and can be tightened with one movement. Say goodbye to your loose laces forever!
4. Wear the right clothes
It's no secret that you will get wet and muddy during the run (if you did it right of course!). So it's important to keep your body as warm and as dry as possible. Tight clothing makes you less likely to get hooked up and makes running in wet clothes more bearable. Breathable sportswear made from polyester dries faster and keeps your body temperature stable! Check out the selection in the shop.
5. Gloves & socks
These are not the sexiest clothing items to purchase, but this does not make them any less essential. The mud at our obstacle runs is very thick and well... muddy. The ground can also contain small stones and twigs, so gloves always come in handy. In addition, there is nothing more annoying than sagging socks which can also cause blisters (Ouch painful!). Did you know that for running and trail running you can get special socks?
6. The always forgettable towel
You never guessed it! But, one of the most forgotten items is the towel. You do not only get wet on the parcours. In fact, you can have a lovely rinse off after the run. Even if you don't want to take a shower (ugh!), it's always handy to have something dry and warm to wrap yourself in (a drying robe or bathrobe is also nice).
7. Get rid of those wet clothes!
After the run, your clothes will be wet and covered in mud (if you did it right!). So, before you sit down and have a few drinks with your Viking buddies, be sure to put on warm and dry clothes. Don't forget underwear and spare socks! Also, make sure you bring something to pack your wet stuff in. Big garbage bags are great, just don't forget to unpack everything once you get home (you probably don't want to find out what your stuff smells like after a week?).
8. Viking mode-ON
Don't forget to bring that attitude, you know, the one you had when you signed up; that determination and motivation. You don't have to be the best, you just have to do your best and have fun!
Never forget the Viking Pledge, go for it and Odin will be proud of you! Before you know it, you will be drinking beers with your Viking buddies in Valhalla. OORAH!!!
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